statistics from the home of two statisticians

Sampling from Multivariate Normal (precision and covariance parameterizations)

· by Justin Silverman · Read in about 6 min · (1133 Words)
R Sampling

Two things are motivating this quick post. First, I have seen a lot of R code that is slower than it should be due to unoptimized sampling from a multivariate normal. Second, yesterday I spend a frustrating few hours tracking down a bug that ultimately was due to a slight subtlety in sampling from the multivariate normal parameterized by a precision matrix (the inverse of a covariance matrix).

Key Idea: It is easy to draw univariate standard (e.g., zero mean and unit variance) normal random variables. In fact most programming languages provide efficient vectorized (e.g., parallelized) algorithms for doing this. In contrast, it is challenging to draw multivariate random variables directly. Motivated by this fact, the approach I discuss below transform samples from standard normal random variables into samples from the desired multivariate normal random variable1.

If you are familiar with the idea of non-centered parameterizations and the Cholesky decomposition just skip down to section “Sampling from the Multivariate Normal”.

Background 1: Non-centered Parameterization of Univariate Normal

We can parameterize a univariate normal random variable \(x\) in two common ways: Either as \(x \sim N(\mu, \sigma)\) (variance parameterization) or as \(x \sim N(\mu, \omega)\) (precision parameterization) where \(\sigma\) is the variance (not the standard deviation) and \(\omega\) is the precision (i.e., \(\omega = 1/\sigma\)).

Key Idea: Rather than sampling \(x\) directly, we could instead sample \(z \sim N(0,1)\) and transform samples of \(z\) into samples of \(x\). This may sound complicated but it can be done simply as \(x = \mu + \sigma^{\frac{1}{2}}z\) (variance parameterization) or \(x = \mu + \omega^{-\frac{1}{2}}z\) (precision parameterization). Both of these are related to the “non-centered parameterization” of a normal random variable.

Before you move on, make sure you convince yourself that the above relationships make sense. All we are saying is that you can turn a standard normal random variable \(z\) into an normal random variable with mean \(\mu\) and variance \(\sigma\) by first scaling by the square root of the variance (i.e., the standard deviation) and then moving the result to have the correct mean (adding \(\mu\)).

The same idea holds in the multivariate case but instead of having a scalar value for the variance we have a matrix (the covariance matrix) and we need to think a little more carefully about what that square root or inverse square root should be.

Background 2: The Cholesky Decomposition

For a symmetric positive-definite matrix \(\Sigma\)2 the matrix square root is defined as a matrix \(\Sigma^{\frac{1}{2}}\) satisfying \[\Sigma = \Sigma^{\frac{1}{2}} \left(\Sigma^{\frac{1}{2}}\right) ^T.\]

It turns out there are multiple matrix square roots3 and any of them can be used for sampling from the multivariate normal. The most common and often efficient method is given by the Cholesky decompostion (sometimes also called the LLT decomposition). The Cholesky decomposition of a matrix \(\Sigma\) is defined by \[\Sigma = L_\Sigma \left(L_\Sigma\right)^T = \left(U_\Sigma\right)^TU_\Sigma\] where \(L\) is a lower triangular and \(U\) and upper triangular matrix.

A quick note, nearly every programming language or linear algebra library has an implementation of the Cholesky decomposition. This is not something you have to calculate by hand or program yourself.

Sampling from the Multivariate Normal

Generalizing the univariate standard normal above, let us now introduce the vector \(Z\) with elements \(Z_i \sim N(0,1)\)4.

Covariance Parameterization

To sample from \(X \sim N(\mu, \Sigma)\) we can use the following multivariate version of the non-centered parameterization \[X = \mu + L_\Sigma Z.\]

Precision Paramterization

To sample from \(X \sim N(\mu, \Omega)\) where \(\Omega=\Sigma^{-1}\) (i.e., the precision matrix) we can use \[X = \mu + (U_\Omega)^{-1} Z\]

Key Idea: Note that for the precision parameterization we need to use the inverse of the upper Cholesky factor (\(U_\Omega\)) not the inverse of the lower Cholesky factor (\(L_\Omega\))! This was my error and it is one key way in which the multivariate is slightly more complicated than the univariate version.

You might be wondering why I didn’t just write \(X = \mu +L_{\Omega^{-1}}Z\) for the precision parameterization where \(L_{\Omega^{-1}}\) refers to the lower Cholesky factor of the inverse of \(\Omega\) (which would have been correct and not required the special note about the upper/lower Cholesky forms). It turns out that inverting a triangular matrix (e.g., the Cholesky form) is more numerically stable and efficient than inverting the original symmetric positive-definite matrix \(\Omega\). In fact we can do even better (both in terms of speed and numerical stability) by not inverting it at all but using backsubstitution as I show below.


Below I demonstrate code designed to sample from the multivariate normal in either parameterization.

#' Covariance parameterization
#' @param n number of samples to draw
#' @param mu p-vector mean
#' @param Sigma covariance matrix (p x p)
#' @return matrix of dimension p x n of samples
rMVNormC <- function(n, mu, Sigma){
  p <- length(mu)
  Z <- matrix(rnorm(p*n), p, n)
  L <- t(chol(Sigma)) # By default R's chol fxn returns upper cholesky factor
  X <- L%*%Z
  X <- sweep(X, 1, mu, FUN=`+`)

#' Precision parameterization
#' @param n number of samples to draw
#' @param mu p-vector mean
#' @param Omega precision matrix (p x p)
#' @return matrix of dimension p x n of samples
rMVNormP <- function(n, mu, Sigma){
  p <- length(mu)
  Z <- matrix(rnorm(p*n), p, n)
  U <- chol(Omega) # By default R's chol fxn returns upper cholesky factor
  X <- backsolve(U, Z) # more efficient and stable than acctually inverting
  X <- sweep(X, 1, mu, FUN=`+`)

Now just we just check that the mean and covariance of each function matches what it should be.


n <- 10000
mu <- 1:4
Sigma <- rWishart(1, 10, diag(4))[,,1] # random covariance matrix
Omega <- solve(Sigma)
x1 <- rMVNormC(n, mu, Sigma)
x2 <- rMVNormP(n, mu, Omega)

# Create function that tests for equality with high tolerance due to 
# random number generation
weak_equal <- function(x, y) all.equal(x, y, tolerance=.1)

# check row means match up with mu and agree with eachother
weak_equal(rowMeans(x1), mu) & weak_equal(rowMeans(x2), mu)
## [1] TRUE
# check covariance matches up with Sigma and agree with eachother
weak_equal(var(t(x1)), Sigma) & weak_equal(var(t(x2)), Sigma)
## [1] TRUE

  1. It turns out that computationally it is also difficult to draw standard normal random variables as well and in fact pretty much all pseudo-random number generation on your computer involves transforming uniform random variables into other variables. That is to say that even the standard normal involves the same type of trick where it is transformed from a uniform random variable

  2. Note that both the covariance and the precision of a multivariate normal are symmetric positive-definite.

  3. i.e., \(\Sigma^{\frac{1}{2}}\) is not unique. The square root given by the eigen decomposition is especially useful for dealing with singular normals and when you may have some numerical errors in the precision matrix leading to non-positive definiteness

  4. i.e., \(Z \sim N(0, I)\)
